Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is a specific allocation of funds, additional to main school funding, which the Government believes is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals or children who are or have been in care, and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
Below are details of the Pupil Premium allocated to Lawrence View Primary and Nursery School.
There are 197 pupils on roll in school for 2024/25. The number of pupils eligible for the pupil premium funding grant varies greatly.
There are currently 72 pupils in receipt of FSM or Ever 6, 2 service pupils and 6 early years pupils.
There are a number of barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils in our school. Our reasoning behind using the pupil premium funding grant to deploy a range of activities is based on our barriers and research undertaken by the education endowment foundation.
Statistically there is a gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium attendance.
"There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement. Of pupils who miss more than 50 per cent of school, only three per cent manage to achieve five of more GCSEs at grades A* to C including Maths and English."
Social and emotional well being.
Having a readiness to learn and learning behaviours necessary to succeed. Some pupils lack aspiration and engagement, which can affect their ability to concentrate upon a task or maintain concentration when learning.
Some children need support for their emotional well-being/resilience. This is supported through our 3-tiered approach which includes access to a range of school delivered social and emotional interventions, in addition to a school-funded counsellor. Education endowment foundation tool kit research suggests that 5 months additional progress can be made.
Gaps in knowledge and understanding.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils are not achieving relative outcomes to non-disadvantaged pupils. Our children have a variety of barriers to their learning. Once a barrier has been identified, an intervention will be put into place and monitored closely. Providing dedicated personnel to deliver proven improvement strategies and build on the success of these interventions from previous years – including support in the classroom - exclusively for PP children supports these children further. This includes a range of high quality interventions from external services funded by school, e.g NTP programme, speech therapy and school-based interventions such as first class number, phonics, inference reading, switch on reading and writing.
Opportunities to engage in additional learning opportunities.
Many of our pupils will not have opportunities to participate in the wealth of experiences available. Lack of take up of additional educational / extra-curricular opportunities by some. Pupil premium funding is used to fill this gap. This includes a range of subsidised visits, visitors and music tuition. Outdoor learning education endowment foundation research suggests a gain of 3 months can be achieved.
Engaging parents in their children’s learning and wider school life
A number of families receive support from the Pastoral Lead where there may be contextual factors that can impact upon attendance, learning, behaviour and welfare of pupils.
The need to engage all parents in supporting their children and the school so that all pupils are able to access every opportunity provided. This is to be achieved in a number of ways, including Achievement for All structured conversations, through the pastoral lead and supporting some parents with some school uniform (all F2 pupils who register for free school meals).
"Two recent meta-analysis from the USA suggested that increasing parental involvement in primary and secondary schools had on average 2-3 months’ positive impact."
The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit, Sutton Trust, 2016
Early Years intervention.
Significant gap in pupil attainment on entry to school (Reception year) when comparing Pupil Premium pupils and those not in that group
Readiness for ‘successful learning’ on entry to school – many children need support to develop active learning and independent skills when starting school
Significant numbers of pupils have difficulties with speech and language and this has an impact upon progress across the curriculum.
How we will measure the impact of pupil premium.
We measure the impact of the planned spending of the Pupil Premium funding through methods listed below - these include the school assessment system, attendance data and qualitative data such as pupil, parent and school adult reports.
Interventions are carefully chosen by class teachers in conjunction with the pupil premium lead and the SEND team and through analysis of pupil data. Adjustments are made as required and at a minimum on a half-term basis in response to pupil progress tracked in meetings dedicated to this activity.
The gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium attendance will reduce further, this will be measured using school attendance data.
Social and Emotional Well being.
Using BOXHAL profile pre and post assessments, pupils will demonstrate greater readiness to learn as a result of social and emotional interventions. Pre- and post-monitoring will show that pupils are engaged and demonstrate ‘successful learning’ skills in all aspects of the curriculum and pupils demonstrate higher level thinking skills in independent learning.
Gaps in knowledge and understanding.
The attainment gap between pupils receiving the Pupil Premium Grant and the non-Pupil Premium group in reading, writing and maths will become smaller. We aim for the gap in attainment to group each year, as a result of accelerated progress through timely intervention. The gap in knowledge and application of key skills will be reduced and this will be measured through pre and post-intervention assessments dependent on the specific intervention deployed.
Opportunities to engage in additional learning opportunities.
This will be measured by the increased number of opportunities available to our children and an increased involvement in school life.
Early Years intervention.
Pre- and post-assessment of children's readiness to learn will be conducted and gaps will become smaller as a result of accelerated progress through a range of interventions.
Next Pupil Premium Strategy Review: December 2027
Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.